
Goddess of wisdom and craft,represents the logical, self-assured woman who is ruled by her head rather than her heart.

Virgin Goddess

Ability to think well
Solve practical problems
Forms strong alliances with men

Emotional distance
Lack of empathy

Also know as Minerva, daughter of Zeus and Metis. Metis was swallowed by Zeus, and when it was time for Athena’s birth, he had Hephaestus crack open his skull and she came forth in full armor shouting a war cry. Also a virgin Goddess, she lived among men without fear due to her warrior's skills. She was the protectress of Odysseus and other men. She was a warrior who used strategy, ambush, cunning, and magic rather than brute force. Her shield bore the head of a gorgon and she paralyzed her adversaries and made her companions invincible. She was against excess, both in war and every day life. She taught men to control their savagery and to tame nature. Was the initiator of all skills. Taught Pandora to weave, trained horses and invented the chariot. She was the patroness of blacksmiths and carpenters. She built the first ship and the boat of the Argonauts.